CWLC Scholarship Honoring
Lanier Brown May
Established in 2015, the Carolina Women’s Leadership Council Scholarship Honoring Lanier Brown May is a one-time, $5,000 scholarship awarded to a first-year student based on merit and need. Recipients of the scholarship demonstrate leadership, citizenship and strength of character. The scholarship supports 10 recipients in each first-year class, creating a cohort of 40 students who will engage with the council and remain connected as Carolina alumni.
Lanier Brown May and the first Lanier Scholar, Isabel Zhao ’21
*scroll table horizontally to view all
Name | Hometown | Major | Thank You Note | |
Reem Alashmaly '28 | Henderson, NC | Radiologic Science | View Note | |
Damaris Ambrosio-Reyes '28 | Edenton, NC | Political Science | View Note | |
Alin Campos-Martinez '28 | Middlesex, NC | Biology (BA) | View Note | |
Carolina Castro-Perez '28 | Asheboro, NC | Health Policy Management | View Note | |
Ashley Espinoza Andrade '28 | Hampstead, NC | Political Science | View Note | |
Tina Ho '28 | Greensboro, NC | Psychology (BA) | View Note | |
Vanessa Ramirez-Soto '28 | Hickory, NC | Political Science | View Note | |
Diana Slayton '28 | Crouse, NC | Biology (BA) | View Note | |
Kemilah Williams '28 | Oak City, NC | Biology (BS) | View Note | |
Abigail Wilson '28 | Selma, NC | Biology (BS) | View Note | |
Kathryn G. Conlon '25 | Wilmington, NC | Biology | View Note | As a recipient of the Women's Leadership Council Scholarship, I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to attend UNC-Chapel Hill and be a member of this group of incredible women! UNC has always been my dream school and receiving this scholarship helped me make that dream come true! |
Taylor D. Ellerbe '25 | Winston-Salem, NC | Biology | View Note | This scholarship has made me see that I have the potential to highly achieve throughout my educational career. This scholarship reassured me that I can do anything with the cost of strength and determination. Carolina has always been my number one school because there are so many programs that give you a chance to meet a diverse group of individuals. This was important in my decision because life is all about meeting new people and being able to adapt accordingly. I want to try studying abroad. Carolina has programs that allow you to focus on what you would like to do in a global setting. I want to double major/minor in biology and public policy. I want to become a pediatric anesthesiologist because I really care about children, and I also love the science and math behind anesthesia. Biology is an interesting field because you are constantly learning something new and being able to apply that specific finding to earth's processes. My role model is myself. I have a lot of mentors in my life, but when it comes down to the question, I am my leader. I am super grateful to have been blessed with the opportunity to receive this scholarship. This scholarship is based on the fundamentals of leadership, which essentially builds my character. Thank you for believing in me and picking me as a recipient of this scholarship. |
Cathy L. Dang '25 | Thomasville, NC | Psychology | View Note | This scholarship has eased the pressure on my parents to pay for my education. They have already worked so hard to raise me, and the less that they have to do now puts less stress on our family. The scholarship will make my education more meaningful as people trust me to make a difference with my education here at Carolina. Studying psychology will give a greater perspective on the everyday people in our lives. We all are different people and sometimes, we do not get the chance to see people without bias. I hope that throughout my time at Carolina, I can better connect with all sorts of people regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. My role model is my father, and he has influenced me by being the strongest person that I know. He is an immigrant and has witnessed several things to get to a better life. Regardless of what he goes through, he still makes it out better than he ever was. He inspires me to be my best. The idea of student debt is daunting to millions of college students everywhere, and I was not immune from the stress either. When I found out that I received this scholarship, the first thing I did, was run to my parents with the biggest smile on my face telling them I received it. My parents and I were concerned about the changes we would have to make to our lifestyle to afford to go to UNC-Chapel Hill. Any amount of help is beyond amazing, and I want to thank you for granting me this generous scholarship. Going to Carolina will give me just what I need to lead a great life, connecting me with great people. Also, I will become a better person contributing to society. Thank you! |
Ada Chen '25 | Durham, NC | Biology | View Note | This scholarship was the reason I could attend Carolina, since my family could not afford the tuition here. It was thanks to this scholarship that I was able to come to my dream school. I chose to attend Carolina because they had everything I wanted. These included the best basketball team and lots of classes that I could choose from. I want to try and join a few student organizations and try to leave my comfort zone. I also wanted to try a singing group that is hugely out of my comfort zone. I hope to gain a degree in biology or science at Carolina. I am not so sure about my career path, but I feel that I have plenty of time to figure it out. I am focused on a science degree because I am excited to join laboratories and grow bacteria. I always wanted to do things that are unimaginable or unreal such as studying bacterias. My role model is my mother because she is always working so hard to pay for my tuition. She never takes a break and always considers me in the back of her mind. Even though she can be stern with me, I love her so much because I know she wants me to be happy. Before I left for Carolina, she told me that I could be whatever I wanted, and I am not limited to what she used to tell me to become when I was young. That is what I want to be. I want to be a selfless individual that cares for others and wishes happiness upon others, but at the same time, is motivated to do her best! When I got accepted to Carolina, I was immensely excited for my future. However, the problem of tuition stood in the way of UNC being the perfect school for me. I did not have the money but, thankfully, I received the Woman Leadership Scholarship that allowed me to come here and pursue my passion. I am eternally grateful that I was able to receive this scholarship. |
Emma K. Maddox '25 | Huntersville, NC | Political Science | View Note | This scholarship has allowed me to attend college. Without this scholarship, I do not believe I would have had the chance to attend UNC or any other college. The main reason I chose Carolina was because I felt accepted. I feel that the campus is extremely diverse, and I love being around open-minded people that will push me to try new things. I am extremely thankful to be at such an amazing school that will allow me to have the opportunities to achieve all my goals. Growing up, I lived in a very diverse area and felt I was happiest there. Later, I moved to a more white, suburban area and felt it was hard to find genuine relationships. Now, that I am finally here, I am so excited that I made the choice to come to Carolina. I am so excited to come to Carolina and use all the opportunities this school has to offer. I hope to join a club sports team and even create a new club on campus. I am most excited to try mock trial or join a club about social justice while I am here. I also noticed many law firms near campus that I would like to learn more about. My goal is to graduate as a political science major and continue my education in law school. I hope to become a criminal defense attorney in order to reform our judicial system. I believe there is prejudice and inequality in our world especially in court. I hope to work against this and create a world where the law applies to everyone equally. I am extremely excited to pursue political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am most excited about this journey because I hope to continue my education and go to law school. My goal is to work for the non-profit organization known as the Innocence Project and work against wrongful convictions. My role model in my career is Bryan Stevenson. I aspire to reflect his selflessness and passion that he radiates on to others. In my life, my biggest role model is my sister. Although she is younger than me, she has taught me the importance of love and support everyday. I work everyday to show her that you can achieve your dreams when you work hard. I hope that I carry her generosity with me as I continue my journey at Carolina. I hope to represent the Women's Leadership Council with passion and integrity over the next four years of my education and beyond. |
Anne S. Freemon '25 | Pikeville, NC | Nursing | View Note | The Carolina Women's Leadership Council Scholarship has made it possible for me to further my education at UNC. I would love to learn how to play a new instrument. (I currently play the piano). I would also like to take a Lifetime Fitness (LFIT) course in a sport that I have never played before. I hope to be accepted to the UNC School of Nursing. From there, I would like to study and receive my MSN and work as a nurse practitioner focusing on women's health. I look forward to working with and aiding women. I believe it is incredibly important to build each other up, instead of tearing one another down, and I think this belief should extend to the workplace. If I can one day offer my services and make a positive difference in someone's life, then I will feel accomplished. My role models are my mom's sisters. Both are nurses, and one is a nurse practitioner. I was fortunate enough to shadow my Aunt Pam at her work in the Lenior County Health Department last fall 2020. I was able to bear witness to the inexplicable differences that she makes every day in her community by her career choice. I, too, hope to be able to make those differences someday. I would like to wholeheartedly express my sincere gratitude for the Women's Leadership Council Scholarship. Because I one day hope to go into women's health as a nurse practitioner. It is so uplifting to have people that I do not even know see promise within me, especially a women's group. I look forward to my next four years at Carolina and cannot thank you enough for making my time here possible. |
Kimberly Quintero '25 | Asheville, NC | Biostatistics | View Note | This scholarship will enrich my education and life as Latinx, first-generation. Finances can be a stressful determinant to attend college. The scholarship has allowed me to pursue my career and education at Carolina. I am determined to pursue my career because I want to dedicate my life to helping and saving lives. I have the opportunity to be educated by distinguished professors and supportive resources. I can explore and build the education that will allow me to succeed in my career and life. I choose to attend Carolina because I believe that Carolina will cultivate my growth and development in my career path. Helping others has and will always bring me fulfillment in my life. I strive to have a career where I can help and save lives. The career that I am pursuing is in public health as an epidemiologist. My determination to succeed in my career has led me to Carolina, as it is one of the top schools for public health. I will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute positively to my career field and society through Carolina. Some new things that I would like to try before leaving Carolina are building long-lasting connections with my peers and professors, being involved in research and clubs. I hope to represent and share my identity and perspectives through a class discussion to my degree. I am a STEM major, and I acknowledge that there is underrepresentation in Latinx women, and it is important for me to embrace diversity. I am pursuing a biostatistics degree because I firmly believe that we can save lives through statistics with prevention and containment globally. The implementation of health regulations and mandates based on statistics can be effective. I am excited to learn about strategies for collecting data, the data software, analyzing data, and understanding in-depth how statistical data is applied to the control and surveillance of diseases. I am excited to experience and explore as a student and researcher the inner works of biostatistics. My role model is my mother, and she has influenced my life significantly. She is undocumented, and her status has led her to overcome many obstacles. She taught me not to let my fears and doubts be the limits of my goals. To understand them, work with them, and embrace them. Whenever I struggled in a subject, she would always give me suggestions on how I can improve. The way she overcomes challenges is inspiring with confidence and optimism. I find it to be admirable. I am very grateful to receive this scholarship. I have always wanted to have a career where I can help and save lives. This scholarship has allowed that opportunity to achieve what brings me fulfillment. I can accomplish my goal to be an epidemiologist and work at the CDC. |
Abbey E. St. Pierre '25 | Wilmington, NC | Biomedical Engineering | View Note | This scholarship has made college affordable for me. I come from a single-parent household, and I am paying my own way through college. During the summer, I had to work 60-hour weeks just to save enough money, and I worked part-time all throughout the school year. This scholarship has allowed me to take a break from working for the semester to pursue my interests and focus on my grades. I have already joined the American Sign Language Club, the Biomedical Engineers Club, Sexuality and Gender Alliance, and I even auditioned for an acapella group, all of which was made possible because of this scholarship! I decided to attend Carolina for the biomedical engineering program and for the in-state tuition. I have battled with an autoimmune disease for most of my life which has made me interested in giving back to the medical community. I want to take courses outside of my major! Specifically, a film, a music theory, and a forensics courses. I think college is the perfect time to explore my interests. I hope to receive my bachelor's in biomedical engineering and continue my master's at a different university. I am interested specifically in doing biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering research. I hope to collaborate with professors and other students, while doing undergraduate research. I hope to discover passions outside of engineering and pursue those on the side! My role model is my older brother. He stepped into a "parental" role for me at a young age and paved the way for me. He is my best friend, emotional support, and the person I am most proud of. Thank you so much for your generosity; it has been an honor to be the recipient of this scholarship. It has allowed me to pursue my degree in biomedical engineering without having to worry about working part-time during the year. Some of the financial stress of college has been lifted off my shoulders, and it has given me time to pursue student organizations and interests outside of my major. I am looking forward to showing you all what I am capable of! Again, thank you so much. |
Karina E. Flores Morales '25 | Greensboro, NC | Global Studies | View Note | The Women's Leadership Council Scholarship allows me to focus on my studies without worrying about financial aid. In addition, I can fully enjoy my college life, since I will not have to take on a job. Carolina offered the most financial aid out of all of the schools I had applied. Unfortunately, my parents could not help me pay for college; financial aid was a major piece in my decision-making. I want to go to all the restaurants on Franklin Street. My goal is to graduate with a global studies degree, and I will figure out what career I can pursue in the coming years. My field of study will change my perspective on global issues and society. My mom is my role model because she is always up doing something, being productive. The Women's Leadership Council Scholarship |
Ryn Oliver Howell '25 | Pfafftown, NC | English & Comparative Literature | View Note | This scholarship simply means that I can go to school. Because of this scholarship, I get to concentrate solely on classes and social activities, rather than working. I am attending Carolina because it is a great school—it has all the opportunities I need and lots of great professors and classmates. I am going to graduate from Carolina with a degree in English and comparative literature, on the creative writing track. I am going to get my master's then my teaching licensure. I want to write and teach—the two ways I am going to be best able to change the world. I love the possibility that comes from writing—I can make anything happen. This scholarship means that I get to focus on school. Because of this scholarship, I get to dedicate my time to the people around me and to the work that I need to do to learn. I love that I get to engulf myself in education, and I could not do that without everyone's support. Again, thank you! |
Isabella G. Lane '25 | Durham, NC | Political Science | View Note | This scholarship will help me become who I want to be. I strive to be someone educated in as many aspects as possible who knows how to be a leader of change. I chose Carolina because I am from this community. I attended K-12 in Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools and after learning its issues inside and out, I want to continue to fight them with the aid of other UNC students. This school district has one of the biggest achievement gaps in the nation and that put me on a path of advocacy. Besides attending a UNC versus Duke game, I want to try everything. I want to do everything from dance club to baking club. Most of all, I want, to get involved in the political and social movemets on campus and act as a bridge between them and the greater Chapel Hill and Carrboro community. Simply, I hope to attain a political science degree, and perhaps a public policy degree, with a minor in Spanish. I hope to gain all the professional skills as well as individual characteristics needed to achieve my goals. Currently, I plan on attending law school and becoming a civil rights lawyer, but I have a love of nonprofits and grassroots organizations that work directly in the community. Very stereotypical of a political science major, I love arguing. I love throwing ideas at my classmates and building and changing our perspectives, while also building our argumentative skills. I love that we can look at national and state issues and have intellectual conversations about them but coming from different walks of life, we all view them differently. Most of all, I am excited to some day apply this knowledge to tackling these, and future issues, in real time. My role model is my grandmother. She is a Mexican migrant farmworker from a border town in Texas, the eldest of 11 kids, an activist, a now college graduate, partnership coordinator for the Atlanta tribal region, teacher, translator, and organizer. If you can think it, she has probably done it. My grandma and grandpa, founders of a nonprofit in South Florida, put me on this track of loving my community and doing so by making it better, building community, and seeing the value in every one voice. |
Natalie M. Torres-Valle '25 | Conover, NC | Biology | View Note | This scholarship will make it easier for me to really focus on my studies and classes because it will allow me to not have to work throughout my first year. I chose to attend Carolina because I knew that it would provide the education and opportunities I would need to succeed. Being a first-generation college student led me to this decision because I have seen firsthand what a college education can do for you. Before I leave Carolina, I want to try to get into a leadership position in a club, and I want to attend at least one sports game. I hope to be able to study on the pre-med track which will prepare me for graduate school. I was led to this decision because of my passion for medicine and pathology. The research and exploratory aspects of my field are what excites me about it. My role models are my parents. They have influenced me by always teaching me that I have to do what makes me happy and that I should always push myself to be better. I am very thankful and honored that I was chosen to receive this scholarship. This scholarship has allowed me to have more time to study without having to worry about working a part-time job on top of college assignments. I think it will really help me strive and do my best as a first-generation college student. |
Jada Rose Nappier '24 | Fayetteville, NC | Political Science | View Note | Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for enabling me and other recipients of this scholarship to thrive at Carolina. I'm currently a political science major, but I hope to pursue a BA in psychology as well. My goal is to become a political analyst and explore journalism as well. My parents raised me with a strong sense of justice and a love of learning, and political science and psychology make me happy. I know something excites me when I get invested in the content, and it's easy for me to lose track of time while I'm doing something related to it. Not only is this true of both of my fields, but I also get to write, expressing my understanding and ideas about the unit we're discussing. I'd love to take a drama class and get involved with the theater, go to all the food spots people have been recommending, go to the first basketball game of the season, and travel abroad. (I'm currently considering New Zealand.) I'm eternally grateful for your kindness, and I hope that I will be able to thank you in person sometime in the future. When I woke up to the email that I was a scholarship recipient, I cried, told my family, and cried with them. When I first saw how much UNC would cost, my jaw dropped. The financial aid I'd received left us with more to pay than our Expected Family Contribution (EFC). I'm one of those people that rarely ask their parents for anything, and the financial burden that I was about to place upon them pained me. Since the end of last year, I've been saving money, applying for other scholarships, and helping them in every way I could think of, but I felt that I wasn't doing enough for them. After receiving the scholarship, a huge weight lifted from my shoulders because I know that they will be fine for this academic year. I get to live out my first year without worrying over every penny we spend. |
Mason C. Murray '24 | Asheville, NC | Biomedical Engineering | View Note | I chose to attend Carolina because of the amazing academic opportunities that are within my reach. I intend to major in biomedical engineering on a pre-med track, and Carolina has one of the best schools for my major. I also love the community at Carolina, and the support and energy that comes with my experience here. I have experienced love, competitiveness, and challenge through various times in my life. I have found that Carolina would provide the perfect balance of all of these things. This scholarship will allow me to go further in depth and get a better education than I would have been able to. It will also connect me to a network of women that can advise and guide me through my future years at Carolina and beyond. I would love to explore different academic realms, as well as experience the resources that Carolina has to offer—from different research opportunities to going to rushing Franklin Street after beating Duke in the Dean Dome. I am excited to expand my knowledge of science and medicine. My goal in life is to help people, and my love for math and science has inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. I hope to build a community of friends and mentors, while getting my degree in biomedical engineering, and hopefully continuing onto medical school afterwards. I hope to learn how to be an effective student, learner, caretaker, and in general, a good citizen. I would like to thank you for your generous Women’s Leadership Council Scholarship Honoring Lanier Brown May. It truly is an honor to receive this award, especially in the name of such an incredible woman. I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a home with a mother who, like Lanier Brown May, inspires me everyday to become a better leader. She is a self-sufficient, passionate entrepreneur of several successful businesses while at the same time, an amazing caretaker and mother. |
Brenna N. Mehl '24 | Hillsborough, NC | Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering | View Note | This scholarship has alleviated much of the financial stress associated with attending college. With this extra support, my family and I can minimize the loans we take out for my college education. My scholarship funds have reduced the cost of my undergraduate education, allowing me to consider graduate school as part of my educational journey. With the help of this aid, I can invest less of my time working and more of my time seeking experiential learning experiences like volunteering, unpaid internships, and research. So far, I have used this time to volunteer at UNC Hospitals, and I intend on applying for undergraduate research at UNC in the upcoming semesters. I chose to attend Carolina because of the holistic academic experience I knew it would provide for me. At Carolina, I get to explore multiple disciplines through my liberal arts education and study with some of the nation’s best researchers. I was also drawn in by my admittance into Honors Carolina, since I know I will be challenged and supported by this program. I believe conducting undergraduate research will be an essential part of my Carolina experience. Through this experience, I hope to gain hands-on experience in the biomedical engineering field, form lasting relationships with professors, and contribute to the academic community. I also hope to get involved with volunteer work, specifically involving outreach to females in STEM. Though COVID-19 may foil some of my experiences for this year, I can't wait to sit in the student sections in Kenan Stadium and the Dean Dome. Volunteering in the computed tomography (CT) department of a local hospital ignited my passion for medical technology. I watched in awe as X-rays shot out of the scanner and through a patient to create hundreds of cross-sectional images. I was fascinated by the way that mechanics, computer science, and mathematics worked together to paint the black and white swirls of a CT scan. I could envision the calculus propelling the computations, the coalescing of the pictures reminiscent of integration. Each scan allows doctors to identify blood in the brain, detect tumors, and diagnose disease. After three years of volunteering in the imaging control room, I knew that I wanted to work in biotechnology. Although I am not entirely sure which major(s) I will pursue, I know that I want to study biology, computer science, and/or biomedical engineering. After college, I hope to work developing technology for the easier diagnosis and treatment of disease. I can't wait to work in biomedical technology because I know there will always be new problems to solve. I know my work will help to alleviate pain and improve the quality of life of hundreds of people. I'm interested in using technology to diagnose mental disorders and to identify signs of addiction. Thank you for choosing me as the recipient of this scholarship. With COVID-19 turning my senior year of high school upside down, this scholarship has given me relief as I prepare for the next chapter of my life at UNC. With your help, I can begin my first year of college with less financial stress in these crazy times. The Women’s Leadership Council Scholarship will allow me to work less in college and spend more time on my academics, conducting research, participating in volunteer organizations, and studying or serving abroad. At Carolina, I hope to study biology, computer science, or computer science with the hopes of pursuing a career in biomedical engineering or biotechnology after graduation. Outside of my career, I hope to focus on other issues in the community. I want to encourage girls in my community to study science, technology, engineering, and math, and I want to work to provide support to those suffering with mental illness and addiction. With the help of this scholarship, I can use my extra time to pursue experiences in my fields of interest, and I can use my extra financial resources to fund educational experiences like summer school, a semester abroad, or graduate education. Once again, I am extremely grateful for your investment in me. Thank you to everyone in the Women’s Leadership Council for providing me with financial support for my education. |
Yanming Zheng '24 | High Point, NC | Business Administration | View Note | I'm a first-generation student, so going to college is an unfamiliar thing in my family. I chose to attend Carolina not only because of the financial aid offers but also the limitless opportunities and majors that I can choose. This scholarship makes a big difference in my education by helping me to focus more on my academics and enabling me to become closer to achieving my goal. This scholarship opens me up to many opportunities enabling me to save my time participating and exploring more school events. There are many new things I want to try such as to attending sports events and doing some research with my classmates. Many things excite me about my field of study. My intended major is business administration. I'm really excited about the process of learning the materials and interacting with students who have similar interests like me. The process of obtaining the materials excites me, but I’m also excited to see what I do after finishing my degree. I want to pursue and complete my Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) degree at Carolina. Obtaining an MBA degree would help me work in a large corporation and even open up my own company. I am very grateful and happy to learn that I have received this scholarship. I am a business major with an emphasis in finance and entrepreneurship. I have always wanted to open up my own business and serve the community, because I found this extremely rewarding and fulfilling. After receiving this scholarship, I realized the importance of education, and I would like to continue my education further by completing my MBA degree. Thanks to your scholarship, I'm more closer to my goal. |
Mini Kpa '24 | Durham, NC | Biology | View Note | I chose to attend Carolina because of its diversity and inclusion of all students. There is a great amount of support for student, ranging from academic to emotional support. More than my education and my life, this scholarship has positively impact my family. Without this scholarship, especially during these concerning times, I would not be enrolling at UNC-Chapel Hill. This scholarship has allowed me to experience life on campus and take classes I thought I would never be able to. I hope to pursue a degree in biology and work in the medical field, hopefully as an ophthalmologist. I would like to major in linguistics or maybe even in Korean and French, because I think it is crucial to not only speak one's tongue, but also understand and develop greater appreciation for our global culture. I would like to take a lot of handson and in-person courses, as well as taking part in undergraduate researches. I am excited to be working with people, at the same time, be able to medically perform surgeries and attend to their needs. I am a person of a few words, but I want to sincerely express my gratitude to you all for establishing this scholarship. Without your generous support, we would not be able to do what we are doing today, which is reaching for a higher education. I understand that it takes a great leap of faith to be able to share your gift to strangers that you might not able be able to meet in person; I admire your courage. I feel empowered, especially being a woman, to be have a support from a scholarship that wants to lift up young women to reach their goals. I am the oldest daughter of five, a first-generation low-income student, an indigenous Montagnard. To receive such support from you is a blessing. I aspire to become a physician and help give back to my communities. Growing up in a rural village, where there were health disparities and the closest clinic was an hour drive by a motorbike, was a push that made me want to pursue a career in the medical field. My family's sacrifices and your gift further motivates me to make the most out of my time at Carolina. Thank you! |
Yang Gaomomee '24 | Conover, NC | Chemistry | View Note | I chose to attend Carolina because of the rich cultural environment and education this institution offers. Coming from a predominantly white, rural, and small town, I was excited to meet new people and learn new perspectives. I am so happy with the decision I made because of the extracurriculars I have been able to get involved in and the people I have been able to meet. I want to attend classes or extracurriculars that will prepare me for the real world and not just my future careers. I hope that such activities will allow me to pick up new hobbies! In my last year of high school, I became stressed and anxious about how I would be able to afford college, but this scholarship has provided me the opportunity to alleviate the burden of student debt from my parents and myself. With this scholarship, I know that I have one less year to worry about and can focus on saving money for the upcoming years in college. I hope to graduate as a magna cum laude student in the biochemistry track of the chemistry major and also be a part of the Honors Carolina program. I want to be able to accomplish such distinctions because I believe that it will challenge me to strive for more. I am excited to be prepared for my future career goal as a healthcare professional! Since I was young, I have always wanted to become a family physician specifically in my home community to provide language access for my ethnic community. I also cannot wait to help others in a field which I feel passionate about. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for being offered this scholarship to attend UNC! I am so thankful that I was granted this scholarship because of the financial burden it has alleviated me of. Before coming to college, I was unsure if I would receive the proper financial assistance I needed, and upon seeing my financial packet, this anxiety only worsened. However, after being granted this scholarship, I now only have to worry about paying a much smaller loan. The scholarship also gives me the opportunity to obtain higher education, a dream of mine and my family since I was young. This is especially important to me as a first-generation student. With the scholarship, I am less worried about how I will continue to afford and pay for school, and instead focus on my education. |
Mackenzie Hansen '24 | Midland, NC | Contemporary European Studies | View Note | Thank you so much for choosing me as the recipient of the Women’s Leadership Council Scholarship. This year has brought numerous financial uncertainties that have caused so many students to defer their higher education to a later time. It is through your generosity that I have been able to attend UNC for my first semester, and the scholarship has also allowed me to afford to stay on campus in my dorm. Staying on campus has particularly benefitted me. My home environment is not conducive to studying and attending class uninterrupted. Because I have been able to stay at UNC Chapel-Hill, I have been able to focus on my studies and adjust to the academic demands of college without also having to juggle my responsibilities at home. During high school, I worked 20-30 hours per week at a part-time job. Thanks to your generosity, I have not had to continue working quite so many hours in order to afford my education at Carolina. This has opened up my time, and I have been able to join a philosophy reading group, I have attended seminar talks given by the Center for European Studies, I have joined a think tank on current European political issues, and I have most recently become a volunteer through El Centro Hispano to tutor students in K-12 public schools. You have allowed me to devote my time to these pursuits, thanks to your financial support. I will be pursuing a bachelor's degree in Contemporary European Studies, and perhaps minors in MEJO and Creative Writing. I will then participate in the Trans-Atlantic master’s program, with a focus on European governance. I will take the opportunity presented to me to work in politics and for the preservation of human rights on an international scale. |
Laya Goodall '24 | Mint Hill, NC | Computer Science | View Note | |
Christa Bazenmore '22 | Eure, NC | Exercise and Sports Science | View Note | |
Isabel Zhao '21 | Charlotte, NC | Computer Science | View Note |